Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Working on the 5%

"I hate to break the bad news to you, but about 80 percent of all you do, anyone can do! For example, going to work, attending meetings, checking e-mail, answering phones, going to soccer games and lunches and dinners.

Additionally, about 15 percent of all you do someone with some measure of training could do in your place.  Whether it's selling a product, running a program, teaching a class, or fixing a problem, there is education and training available for someone else to do what you do.

But at least 5 percent of what you do, only you can do.  No one else can do it for you.  Only I can be a husband to my wife,  Only I can be a dad to my three children.  Only I can keep my body healthy.  And only I can grow spiritually!  No one else can do the last 5 percent for me.  I alone am responsible for it.  Only I can keep myself disciplined." - The Divine Mentor by Wayne Cordero

I can't believe we have spent a month here in the states.  Time has flown so fast.  This Friday, I will leave to return to Honduras and leave behind my babies and hubby.  Its going to be hard, but it has been hard to be here too.  We have loved the time together to bond with Sam, but our hearts miss Honduras.  We love what we do there!  There hasn't been a day that goes by that Gabby or Owen doesn't ask when they get to go back.

So, what has our first month with Sam looked like?  Bringing a 10 year old into our home has many similarities to bringing in an infant.  We have had to work on sleep schedules, deal with him not sleeping, waking up in the middle of the night, and work on finding a feeding schedule and foods that works for him. Mainly, we have been working on the 5 %.

We've been working on parenting our children, growing spiritually, and being intentional about our conversations as a couple.  We have tried to prioritize the 5% in our lives that no one else can do.  Many times, while we are serving in Honduras, we tend to focus on the 95 % listed above and the 5% can easily be pushed to the bottom of the list.  So, we are re-prioritizing.
  • we've cuddled a little more
  • we've lingered a little longer in devotion times with our Savior
  • we've had deep conversations with our children
  • we've stayed up a little later and played Monopoly
  • we've drawn out bed time routines a little longer 
  • we've laughed hysterically about drawings in Pictionary
  • we've cooked together and enjoyed meals together
We may not get to experience the same kind of firsts like with an infant, but we have had our own "firsts".  The first time he shared with us his great fear of ghosts and Rene was able to pray for him and ask God's angels to surround and protect him.  The first time he called us "Mommy" and "Daddy".  The first time he went to the beach and jumped in the waves.  The first time to say "my" house.  Yes, there have been some behavior problems, anger outbursts, and nightmares, but we have also had plenty of laughter, love, and growing trust.  

Thank you for praying for us in this transition.  Thank you for supporting our family in this new faith journey.  Each day we are reminded of our Father's great love for us, even when we were most undeserving.  "We love because He first loved us."

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