Last week, I got to witness the culmination of a very difficult journey of adoption. This family has been faith fighting to make this precious girl their daughter for over seven years! By far, this has been the longest adoption process I have witnessed. Without going into details of a story that is not mine to tell, this country just doesn't make adoptions easy. The odds are truly stacked against anyone who desires to pursue one here. So, it was pure relief and joy to witness this one's status change from orphan to daughter. I posted their picture on social media and wrote the caption above.
"An example of relentless love, of continual pursuit when all odds were against them. I am inspired by their faith and rejoice in this act of redemption. Happy adoption signing day, Lluvia! God has great plans for you."
Ever since I posted that, I have fought an internal battle of sorts.
I am an adoptive mom. I don't believe there is any action that more tangibly represents the Gospel of Jesus than the act of adoption. It is beautiful. It is a true act of redemption. I am ecstatic that this family gets to experience that! I am overjoyed that this child will now have a forever family and I do believe that God has great plans for her. After all, a family environment is always best.
However, I couldn't help but think about the other children that live in our children's home. The many children that will never have the opportunity for adoption. Does God have great plans for them too? Their lives will never look so Cinderalla-like. They won't have the person to call mom or dad. They won't get to drive out those gates to a new home and a new life. For many different reasons, they will be stuck in the children's home they have been placed in. Yet, I DO believe that God has GREAT plans for them too.
I am reminded that even when the fairy-tale ending doesn't happen, God is still good and He is in the business of bringing Himself glory. I am reminded that He is writing the stories for each of the littles that live in the home. I am reminded that His story is still good and it is part of a greater and bigger story. Even when disappointment comes and expectations are not met, it is the process of knowing Him that is most important. That is the purpose of Good Shepherd Children's Home- to provide a safe and loving home to those that have been abused, abandoned, and neglected and through that process to point them to Jesus. That is the purpose of Good Shepherd Christian Academy- to provide a high quality, Christ-centered education that is equipping them for a bright future.
There is an amazing team of North American missionaries and Honduran staff members that are working hard to ensure that we are giving the best possible childhood to those that will never know another place to call home. We tackle this endeavor from many different fronts including a home environment that includes good meals, safe homes, family atmosphere (Good Shepherd Children's Home), education (Good Shepherd Christian Academy), and spirituality (Valley Church).
I want to invite you to join our efforts through your prayers and finances to help us say to those kids that God has a special plan for them too.
Check out the websites below: