1. He NEVER leaves us or forsakes us!
Last week, our son Samuel was at martial arts practice when a mirror fell off the wall, slicing his forearm, including muscle, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels. We were told that our time frame for reattachment and surgery was short and that only a very skilled, specialized surgeon could this type of surgery. What I didn't share on Facebook, is that my husband had just left that day to speak at a meeting in the states. It was me and my mom. We took off to the hospital recommended to me to see if we could get him help. We had three surgeons arrive to turn down the surgery stating that they didn't feel competent to complete it. So much time lapsed between these surgeons. Meanwhile, I watched all color drain from my son's hand as it turned blue/grey. After surgeon number two shared with me that he couldn't do it, my heart began to race as I was thinking that there may be a real possibility that my son might lose his hand. As a mom, this moment ranked up to one of my toughest to date. The desperation, the concern, the battle of faith and practicality seemed to all swirl in that dark moment. Yet, in that moment, the Holy Spirit whispered these words.... "I am your Shepherd. Even though you walk through the deep, dark valley, fear no evil, for I am with you." Such peace washed over me in that split second as words of Truth flooded my heart. He was with me. No, my husband couldn't be, but He was.
2. Prayer is powerful!
Somewhere in that time period, I posted our crisis on Facebook asking others to join us in prayer. So many believers chimed in to say that they were lifting us up. I will always be grateful for the army of prayers offered on our behalf. The fourth surgeon to arrive walked in and looked at the arm and with so much confidence confessed that he could perform the surgery. His confidence washed over me and filled me with such peace. I knew that he was answer to the prayers that so many were praying. The surgery was long, but successful. Prayer is powerful! God's word tells us that the prayers of the righteous are powerful! I got to witness that first hand this past week.
3. Mean what you pray!
A few weeks ago, I prayed a prayer that went something like this: "Break my heart for the things that break Your heart." Have you ever been guilty of praying a cliche? Do we really mean what we pray? Yesterday, one week after the accident with Sam, our other son was brought to his knees with severe pain. After a revision by a pediatrician, I was advised to take him on in to the hospital for more testing which lead to another ER visit and yet another surgery. This morning on the hour drive back to the hospital, I was reminded that I had prayed such a bold prayer. Immediately, I began to praise the Lord that I have a car to drive to the hospital. I have a hospital to go to and there is a surgeon that can help relieve the pain. I have access to medicines and I have insurance that will help with some of the costs. As I began to cry out praises to Him for all these things, my heart began to break for all those that live in this country that don't have these things.
How many mamas in Honduras have to watch their babies suffer and they have no way to do anything for them? How many mamas don't have a vehicle to get them to the nearest clinic? How many mamas can't afford pain medicines, much less surgeries? How many mamas have felt that same desperation I experienced for their child and didn't have any resources or relationships to help?
Yes, this morning, God broke my heart fresh and anew for the people of this country. I was reminded of the many timely opportunities that I have gotten to witness our medical and dental teams be in the "right place at the right time" by God's providence, and I am grateful. I am thankful for the medical personnel that give up their time to serve the people of Honduras. I am thankful that I have had opportunities to witness a mama's prayer of desperation be answered through a team member. I pray that I will never take for granted the blessings that we have and that we will be faithful to share these blessings with others.
Tonight, I count it JOY that we are facing trials of many kinds because I know that God is developing our faith and molding our character through them.
Keep praying for our boys that God will heal them completely.
Sam's arm is casted and when the cast is removed, mobility will be tested to see if follow-up surgeries are needed or if physical therapy will be sufficient.
Owen's surgery is scheduled for this week.